I am a health professional and I want to promote the notification to partners

I am a health professional and I want to promote the notification to partners

During your consultations, you can encourage your patients to tell their partners if they are diagnosed with an STI. Often, patients need a reminder to think about it. The best thing is for them to tell their partners directly, as this will be better received by their partners. When this isn't possible, you can inform them of the existence of SMS dépistage or Partner Alert (see below).


SMS DEPISTAGE is a partner notification tool available to anyone who has just learned that they have an STI. During your consultations, you can easily :

  • Have the QR code scanned
  • Pass on the business card that refers to the free and anonymous notification

You may also be interested in other tools:

This interactive tool was developed by the Federal Center for Expertise in Health Care (KCE) to guide you through your patients' sexual health consultations. It allows you to:

  • to evolve step by step from the beginning with your patient to the post-treatment follow-up,
  • or go directly to the topic you wish to target by clicking on the tab of your choice. Additional help is offered as you go along.

This tool incorporates scientific recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of gonorrhea and syphilis (KCE - 2019) and Chlamydia infections (1st Line Recommendations Development Group - 2019).

This tool does not address the management of rape or incest victims, which includes aspects other than STI testing. It also does not address the prescription of emergency pills to prevent pregnancy.

If you are a physician, you can also use the Partner Alert system. To encourage partner notification, the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp has developed an online tool http://www.partneralert.be that allows patients to notify their partner(s) anonymously by SMS or e-mail. The website is now owned by the Flemish Agency for Care and Health (Agentschap zorg en gezondheid). You have to register first to generate codes for your patients, which is a necessary step in the notification process.

SSMG (Accompanies French-speaking general practitioners on a daily basis and guides them in their professional development) :

Fact sheets on sexual health and STIs, e-learning and other useful resources.