O'YES (formerly SIDA'SOS) is a non-profit organisation created by young people for young people in 2009 and recognised as a youth organisation (YO) since 2013.
It is active in the field of health education and promotion, and its mission is to raise awareness of sexual health among young people through peer education in order to change attitudes and improve behaviour in the long term.
WWW.DEPISTAGE.BE : is the first French-speaking inter-association and inter-hospital site that brings together all the latest information on screening. In order to guarantee the quality of the information contained in the brochure and the site, we have brought together professionals from the sector within a steering committee. We would like to thank them warmly for this collaborative work!
Numerous associations:
Sida Sol and Aide Info Sida, Collectif Santé Mons, Observatoire du Sida et des Sexualités, Société Scientifique de Médecine Générale, Fédération Laïque des Centres de Planning Familial, Alias, Association des unions des pharmaciens (AUP), Réseaux Hépatite C and Médecins du Monde.
And hospitals :
Erasme, CHU St Pierre, Cliniques Universitaires St Luc, CHU Ambroise Paré, CHU Liège, CHU Charleroi, CHU UCL Namur, Vivalia
O'YES and Ex aequo are the two associations behind the project.
Thanks to our financial partners for their support in this project.
We would also like to make it clear that they have had no rights over the content and writing of the information on this site.