I think I received the SMS in an abusive or wrong way

I think I received the SMS in an abusive or wrong way

Since all Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) can be symptomless, you may think you are fine because you have no symptoms. However, as long as you are sexually active, we recommend that you get tested regularly.

Although the service normally requires users to check the telephone numbers they transmit, there is always the possibility of an error.

If this is misuse, it is regrettable that our service is being used for this purpose and we will take the number of reports into account when evaluating this service. Thank you for keeping us informed.

    Explain to us the circumstances under which you received the SMS and why you think it was misused. (required)

    If you would like to be kept informed of developments in this service, you can leave us your email or telephone number. We guarantee the utmost confidentiality and independent processing of this data.

    Your e-mail

    Your phone number